Michel Priziac

Duchess Anne, a fabulous destiny

13,00 € l'unité

Anne of Brittany, duchess at the tender age of 11, then twice crowned queen of France, is the embodiment of a woman with a unique journey.
Distinguished, cultivated, and endowed with a strong character, she is surrounded by a refined, feminine court that arouses the passions of a Europe at the dawn of the Renaissance. She paves the way of a kind of feminism before its time.
Many of her subjects may doubt the existence of any romantic feelings between her and King Louis XII, with their arranged marriage. And yet...
Nantes, Blois and Amboise are her three main residences, where, as child, queen and mother, she is to spend a majority of her life, ever keeping to the motto “Better death than defilement”.
In 1505, Anne of Brittany carries out a Tro Breizh. This is, among other things, the occasion for Notre-Dame du Folgoët and the Bretons to solemnly welcome her procession consisting of at least 250 people.
The “noble Ermine” dies in 1514, at the age of 36, having given birth to thirteen children, of whom only two survive.
A fabulous destiny!
Kidour-editions, Duchess Anne, a fabulous destiny, by Michel Priziac. English Translation: Dr Anikó M Tóth
Isbn: 978-2-917574-59-1
Price 13 €
